Sunday, September 11, 2011

Picture problems

So I've read several articles about miniature photography, and have had a few discussions with people about their lighting set ups. Despite trying a variety of things, different lights, diffusion, backdrops, camera settings and what have you, I've had problems getting accurate pictures. Case in point:
So here is a picture that has good focus but the reds are washed out. If I go for any less light or exposure then the picture tends to be so dark that you can't see anything. I use daylight bulbs diffused with white cloth. I have a fairly nice camera (Nikon D40) so I'm fairly sure that the source of the problem is elsewhere. Anyway it's a pain in the ass to have good work and not be able to get an accurate shot of it. Not that these minis specifically are great (I qualify them as standard) but it'd be nice to be able to share my work with other people.

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